Live a life of leisure in the heart of Norwest.
Discover the ultimate in luxury living with Landen’s Norwest Estate 1. Offering 48 premium home and land packages, this exclusive estate showcases a collection of two and three storey architecturally designed, standalone home.
Meticulously designed with every detail carefully considered, each home enjoys large windows to harness natural lightand thoughtful space provisions allowing the outdoors to become an extension of your home.
With three distinctive facades to choose from – Hamptons, French Provincial and Modern – a range of versatile floorplans encouraging multigenerational living and pre-selected range of premium inclusions, there is a home suited for every lifestyle.
With the core of Norwest now largely developed, opportunities to build a brand new home are exceptionally limited. Secure your piece of Norwest today.
Take a short drive to Norwest Marketown for your everyday essentials or venture a little further to Castle Towers for a complete shopping experience. If you’re looking to celebrate a special occasion or enjoy a night out, explore a range of fine dining restaurants overlooking Norwest Lake.
Norwest Marketown
Castle Towers
Ideal for picnics with friends and family or an afternoon stroll around Norwest, immerse yourself in nature with a number of walking trails and parks around the area including Bella Vista Farm, Fairway Drive Reserve and Strangers Creek Park.
Bella Vista Farm
Fairway Drive Reserve
There is no shortage of public and private schools in and around Norwest, providing quality education options for students from Pre-K to Year Twelve. Some of these include Bella Vista Public School, Kellyville Public School Crestwood Public School, and William Clarke College.
Bella Vista Public School
Kellyville Public School
Enjoy the convenience of fast and efficient commuting with the metro service departing every 4 minutes during peak time. Norwest Metro Station is just a 4 minute drive away, with the Bella Vista Metro Station 6 minutes away.
Norwest Metro Station
Bella Vista Metro Station
Focusing on patient care and providing an extensive range of medical and surgical services, Norwest is home to world class healthcare facilities with Norwest Private Hospital, Lakeview Private Hospital and The Hills Medical and Dental Centre at your doorstep.
Lakeview Private Hospital
Norwest Private Hospital
Castle Hill Country Club is one of Sydney’s leading golf clubs, boasting a 72-par championship course set within 167 acres of gardens and bushlands. If you prefer something a little different, visit The Edge Rock Climbing Centre, Zone Bowling or Hoyts at Castle Towers.
Castle Hill Country Club
Zone Bowling
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